Thursday, January 6, 2022

Some Happenings 100 years ago this month, January 1922

 From the archives of The Crittenden Press we can see what was happening 100 years ago in our fair city and county in the month of January 1922.

New Officers

  • E. Jeffrey Travis was sworn in and took charge the fist of the month as County Judge. He served as County School Superintendent for several years and as County Road Engineer for some time. He was elected County Judge without opposition. Mr. Travis is a vigorous young man and has had wide experience in the affairs of the county. The people are expecting an efficient administration of the county's affairs and the Press predicts the people will not be disappointed.
  • Edward D. Stone was sworn in and took charge as County Attorney the first of the month and had his first trial on the third of this month. He was educated in the schools of this county and graduated at Cumberland University in t he Law school. He once represented this and Livingston county in the Kentucky Legislature. He was elected to the office without opposition. He is a young man of good morals and the people are expecting him to look well after the interests committed to him.
  • Mr. James T. Wright was elected Sheriff of the County and took over the office on last Monday. He appointed Messrs. Joe Hunter Travis and John T. Pickens as his deputies.
  • Mr. James E. Sullenger was elected Circuit Clerk without opposition and took over the office Monday.
  • Mr. Learner E. Guess succeeds himself as County Clerk and was elected without opposition. Mr. Guess has served as County Clerk for several years and is a most efficient and painstaking officer.
  • John C. Spees took possession of the jail and began operation on the first of the year.

List of City Officers

These men will be in charge of the business affairs of the city of Marion for this year. 

  • Mayor, Bebe Boswell, 
  • Clerk, E. L. Harpending, 
  • City Judge: A. M. Gilbert, 
  • City Attorney, J. G. Rochester,
  •  Marshall, Albert Cannan, 
  • Assessor, Tom Wring, 
  • Collector, W. D. Cannon, 
  • Treasurer, Miss Kate Yandell,
  •  Clock Winder, Levi Cook.


New Theatre Named the Rex

Mr. Dewey Gray, who is manager of three theatres in Illinois, is now preparing the building formerly occupied by the Marion Hardware and Grocery Company and will remodel this building and open a moving picture show.

The new amusement place will be known as the Rex Theatre and the first show will start at 6:30 p.m. Saturday. Bound and Gagged Pathe News will be showing. Admission is .35 cents and .25 cents. The theatre will run every evening of the week and we are assured that every evening's entertainment will be of the best. (The Rex theatre was locate in the building next to Gilbert's funeral home on West Bellville St.)


The New Bridge

The iron bridge over Tradewater river at Fishtrap connecting Crittenden and Webster counties was completed without an accident and opened for traffic Saturday morning December 31.

We wish to express our thanks to Judge R. L. Moore, Esquire W. D. Drennan, and Esquire F. M. Davidson of Crittenden County and the officials of Webster county, and all others who did anything to promote this important work.

On December 31 a celebration was held at Enon Church. After the service a bountiful dinner was served by the good ladies of this community.

This is one important step that both counties have looked forward to for several years.


Law Enforcement Meeting

Quite a number of our citizens met to discuss the importance of organizing the citizens of Marion and Crittenden County in a league to seek the enforcement of the laws.

After several rousing speeches given by the Mayor, Revs. J. F. Price, E. N. Hart, and Judge Clem S. Nunn and others, which resulted in every man present pledging himself to do his part to enforce the laws by standing behind the officers of the law and furnishing the necessary evidence for the conviction of law breakers and their punishment.

The spirit and enthusiasm of the meeting was enough to alarm the moonshiners and boot leggers as well as all law breakers.

The following resolution was unanimously adopted: We the citizens of Marion, Crittenden County, having met this 9th day of January 1922 in a meeting of the Law Enforcement League, after due and careful discussion, have arrived at the following conclusions:

The the anti prohibition forces are making a great effort to thwart the prohibition laws of this country, to introduce and pass a measure to permit the sale of beer and wines; Therefore: Be it resolved that we express to our Senators Hon. A. O. Stanley and R. P. Ernst, a vote of renewed confidence and that we urge upon them to stand firm and steadfast in all measures to prevent this law for the sale of beer and wine becoming effective. And we urge measures that shall compel a stricter enforcement of all laws, especially the prohibition law, thruout the country.

On behalf of the citizens of Crittenden County, Kentucky. Signed by 53 citizens of Marion.


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