Monday, December 20, 2021

Steward Chapel CME, Black Congregation Church


This beautiful church once stood on North Maple Street in Marion.  The plot of ground on which the church and parsonage stood was given by Mr. Herrod Travis.  

The church was rebuilt in 1916 under the pastorate of Rev. P. W. Garrett.  

Some of the ministers that pastored here were Revs. P. W. Garrett who served two years, Rev's. Morris, Moore, Robertson, J. S. Crumb who served five years, J. M. F. Jenkins who served two years, S. L. McGee who served one year, C. E. Burns who served five years, and A. B. Mason who served from 1941-1973, thirty-two years,.  He also pastored Phillips Chapel C.M.E. Church at Sturgis.  He pastored the church at Marion until December 16, 1973 when he was called from labor to reward.  (This information was taken from the little booklet "The Churches In Our County" A Bicentennial Celebration Publication, 1974.  

Rev. Albert Buford Mason died Dec. 16, 1973, is buried in the Lewis Cemetery.  He was a World War I Veteran.  Kentucky CPL US  Army.

This church was torn down a few years after this booklet was printed.  All that is left of this beautiful building is the concrete block foundation.  No more history is known about what happened to its congregation, or why and when the destruction of the building took place.

It must have been a beautiful sight in its day.

All that remains today.

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