Thursday, November 11, 2021

Some Early Church Session Minutes of the Bells Mines Church

 Many, many years ago, attending and belonging to a church was very different from the ways of today. I'm not judging either way, but it is interesting, to say the least, to be able to have a source to look back on those days of long ago, when the church kept a watchful eye upon one's daily lives and activities. If you were a member of that church and wanted to stay a member in good standing, you were held accountable for your actions. This article is the history of the old Bells Mines Cumberland Presbyterian Church, with a few of the actual minutes of their sessions copied from the original church record book.


A selected few of the very interesting church session minutes that were kept during the early days of the church.

Bells Mine Church, March the 29th, 1890

Church session met according to appointment, and was convened with Prayer by Rev. W. C. M. Travis, all the Elders & Deacons being present, with exception of Elder J. C. Collins absent; after which we proceeded to business.

1. By reading the minutes of our last session, which was approved for record.

2. On motion it was agreed to dismiss Brother John Bishop from our church roll, according to his own request.

3. Charges were brought against Sisters Nannie B. Sarlls, and Betty Mick for dancing, and also charges where preferred against Sister Rachel A. Sarlls for giving dances at her house. (Nannie B. Sarlls was the daughter of Rachael A. Sarlls)

4. On motion the following Brothers where appointed to serve as a Committee to see these Sisters, Brother T. K. Black, R. M. Adamson, J. A. Hina and J. W. Imboden and to report at our next session.

5. We proceeded to the election of delegates to represent our Congregation at our next Presbytery at Sugar Grove. We elected Brothers R. M. Adamson, principle and T. J. Black, alternate.

6. Moved and seconded to adjourn to met again on Saturday evening before the 3rh Sabbath in April 1890. Closed with Prayer by Brother R. M. Adamson. Rev. W. C. M. Travis, Mod., J. A. Hina, Clk.


Bells Mines church, July the 5th, 1890

Church session met according to appointment on Saturday evening before the first Sabbath in July. Opening prayer by Pastor Rev. W. C. M. Travis, Elders J. C. Collins, T. J. Black and J. A. Hina being present, Bro's R. M. Adamson absent and Rev. W. B. Crowell from Cave Spring being present and invited to a seat in the Session. 


We proceeded to business with the report of the committee; that we suspend Sisters N. B. Sarlls and Betty Mick for a unlimited time; Brother T. J. Black is chosen to notify those Sisters of their suspension, but if they come to our next session to make a open confession or in writing, that we would hear them.


Upon information that Brother John W. Imboden has been drinking & cursed & swore & played cards; it is ordered by the session that a committee of three be appointed to see said Bro. & report at our next meeting. The Moderator appoints Bros. J. A. Hina, J. C. Collins & T. J. Black on said Committee.


Upon information that Sister R. B. Sheeley gave leave to dance at her house, it is ordered by the Session that Bros. T. J.. Black to serve as a committee to see said Sister and to invite her to come to our next session to answer said charges.


Bells Mines, August the 2nd, 1890

Church session met according to adjournment, all the Elders being present. Business preceded by reading the minutes of our last session, which was adopted for record.


The committee on Sister R. A. Sheeley's case was called on and made the report, the report was satisfactory received and the committee discharged; but the case of Sister Sheeley continued, that she should appear at our next session.


The Committee on the suspending of those sister, made the report and was satisfactorily received and discharged on motion it was agreed, that we instate to our membership Sisters N. B. Sarlls, as she being present at our Session and made a open acknowledgment. The case of Sister Mick be continued.


The report of Committee's on the case of John W. Imboden was received and the committee discharged; on motion it was agreed to suspend and depose J. W. Imboden for one month. (Mr. Imboden must have had a change of heart, for earlier he was a member of the committee to check on the Sisters for dancing.)


Joseph A. Hina, the Clerk of Session, that took the minutes for each meeting, held this position from 1888 to 1913, except for a three year period. His penmanship is beautiful to see.


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