Wednesday, August 4, 2021

County High Schools of Long Ago

 The Marion High School, established in 1895, was the only one in Crittenden County for many years.

The passing of the law requiring the counties to furnish their graduates with a high school brought greatly increased interest in the field of education in the county.

In a next few years beginning in 1919 Crittenden County had four county high schools. Dycusburg high school was closed first in 1937 because of lack of students, and the other three continued on until the fall of 1950 when the new Crittenden County consolidated high school was opened at Marion and this ended the history of the county high schools. This article is about the history of the beginning of these rural high schools and their closing in 1950.

The graduates of these senior classes of 1950 would hold the honor of being the last to graduate from these county high schools.


Dycusburg Elementary and High School


 Dycusburg began it's education history in a two-room school that was located in town in the early 1800's. In the mid 1800's, it was moved to the top of the hill because of yearly flooding of the river. Dycusburg was a two-room independent school district, supported and operated by local taxation until 1924, when it was enlarged and became a grade and high School.

It had a 4 years high school until in 1937 the Dycusburg School was merged into the county system and the high school students, which were very few, were moved to Frances high school, where they remained until 1950.


Frances High School


 On March 10, 1919, by motion of Charles W. Fox and seconded by W. W. Howerton, it was ordered that a joint county grade and high school be build and established at Frances.

In compliance with the order, this high school was the first of the “consolidated” high school buildings, which included 1-6 elementary grades and the high school grades.

Ethel Cox, from Dawson Spring and Mazie Pogue Howard were the first teachers, Mrs. Cox taught the upper grades, including a high school class of two, and Mrs. Howard had the lower grades, first through sixth.

Many students came from nearby grade schools because there was no high school nearer. Some came a long distance and had to ride horseback. Space was provided for their horses, with stalls and feed spaces built behind the schoolhouse near a pond.

Along with their academics, the older students wanted more competitive recreation. When Charles Sullenger joined the faculty to teach high school math in 1922, he helped them organize a football team. This sport only lasted a short while. There was more interest in basketball, and it became the main sport.

The first graduating class was in 1922. There were two graduates, Pauline Pogue and Louis Yandell. They had taken work in the summer in order to finish in three years. The graduation exercises were held in the Presbyterian Church, which at that time was the only church in Frances.

The graduating class of 1923 had five graduates, Ina Teer, Willabell Asbridge, Jewell Pogue, Raymond Hooks and Cecil Brasher.

March 23, 1950 Frances High School had their last high school commencement exercises, they had a total of 19 graduating students.


Tolu High School


In 1919, the first high school was taught in Tolu by Professor J. A. B. Wathers, of Golconda, Illinois.

In 1922, Tolu became a fully accredited four-year high school and R. A. Belt, a Smith-Hughes teacher, came as superintendent of both the graded and high schools.

At this time, the school building had only three rooms; but bonds were voted and an agriculture room was added. This was the first model of its kind in the state and plans of it were included in the state publication as a model room for the purpose. A complete library built to state standards and a sewing room and equipment were also added.

In April of 1946 the graduates of Tolu high school were, Phyllis Rhea Lynne, valedictorian and Betty Moore salutatorian, other members of the class were Naomi Arflack, Geneva Belt, W. G. Belt, Herbert Alexander, Jr., J. L. Sullenger and John Hardesty.

On March 21, 1950 Tolu High School had their last high school commencement exercises. Valedictorian was Margaret Nell Watson, Salutatorian was Hanford Belt.


Shady Grove High School


 In 1924, the Shady Grove High School was organized, and the new high school building was completed in the fall of 1923. Oscar Towery was chairman of the committee to form the high school. The building cost approximately $2,000, and the Caldwell County Board helped Crittenden with matching funds. Jay Brown and Bert Wood were hired as carpenters, and the rest of the labor was donated. The school had four rooms.

Shady Grove was the first school to have Delco lights, with the parents paying the bills. It also had the first drinking fountain.

Later a Home Economics room was added, which was made from the old Crider School and used for a cafeteria.

In April of 1946 there were only three to graduate from Shady Grove High School, to receive diplomas were Kenneth Gentry, Francis Casner and Derald Brown. Valedictory honors went to Derald Brown and salutatory to Francis Casner.

In April of 1950 Shady Grove high school also had their last high school commencement exercises. Wilbur Horning was the last teacher.


Mattoon Elementary and High School


 Mattoon School became a reality in the fall of 1929. Oakland, Applegate, Post Oak, Seminary and Going Springs were consolidated to form a new elementary and two-year high school.

The high school student body was composed of pupils who had attended school outside the community and many others who had finished the eighth grade in years past, but who had been unable to leave home to attend high school.

After the first year, in order to meet the needs of the enrollment, Mattoon became a four-year high school. Classes were never very large. Since this was an agricultural community, a Smith-Hughes man was employed to teach agriculture and related subjects. (Smith-Hughes teacher - The Smith-Hughes National Vocation Education Act of 1917 was an act of the United States Congress that promoted vocational education in “agriculture, trades and industry, and homemaking and federal funds were provided for this purpose.)

The basic subjects of English, history, arithmetic, algebra, geometry, geography and Latin were taught. Later, typing, domestic science and other subjects were added.

April 1931 – Four students graduated this year from the Mattoon High School. They were Frederick Brown, Misses Mary Evalena Cook, Lee Etta Howerton and Alma Leta Nunn. This was the first graduating class from new Mattoon High School. Rev. Charles A. Humphrey, pastor of the Marion Methodist Church, will deliver the baccalaureate sermon. H. W. Faith was principal at Mattoon.


In the fall of 1950 a new era of education would begin in Crittenden County with the combining of the Frances, Tolu, Mattoon and Shady Grove high schools, now becoming Crittenden County High School.

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