Tuesday, July 13, 2021

The Mystery of Belmont School


 I don't guess you can really call it a mystery, just that not much history or information was ever documented for this school.  Located out in the district of Piney Fork, it must have been very close to the old Piney Fork school on the Old Flynn's Ferry Rd,/Copperas Spring Rd.

This is the only picture ever found that even shows part of the old school.  


In the Crittenden County School History Book done by the Crittenden County Historical Society in 1987, there wasn’t any real history on this school only a few tidbits, done by Braxton McDonald.

* The land for the school was deeded by S. M. Asher in 1875.  So that would be the year the school was organized.  
* He reports that in 1881 that the Belmont school was built of logs.  
* Another name for the school at this time was “Stoney Point.”  (Doesn’t say when it was changed to Belmont.)
* I believe it closed in 1935 and students all went to Piney Fork.
Crittenden Press, Nov. 20, 1931 School News, Piney-Belmont
Those having perfect attendance for the fourth month are Charles Alexander, Douglas Alexander, Aggiewynn Asher, Juanita Asher, Kernie Crider, Dorothy Etheridge, Wanda Etheridge, Opal Felker, Howard Hunt, Vivian Hung, Willard Hunt, Lorene James, Perry James, Franklin James, Houston James, Damon Martin, Henry McConnell, Jane McConnell, Anna Wiggington, Joseph Wiggington and Ebbie Worled. 

Those making grade A this month are: Robert McMican, Opal Felker, Deward Martin, Gwindle McMican, Houston James, Aggiewynn Asher, Howard Hunt, Lois McMican and Willard Hunt.

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