Sunday, May 9, 2021

Senator Ollie James at Home


 This interesting little article appeared in The Crittenden Press Jan. 6, 1916.  

U. S. Senator James at Home.  Senator O. M. James came home to see his mother January 2nd and stayed over until the 3rd.

It was rather an apt coincidence that the tobacco market in Crittenden county should be opened while he was here, as it is chiefly due to his efforts in getting the embargo raised upon the shipment of tobacco to the warring nations, without which, no tobacco could be shipped without danger of seizure, and as a result there would have been no market for tobacco this year.

By his efforts the farmers are enabled to dispose of one of their most important crops.  

Senator James is using his best efforts to get Marion's new post-office built or at least get started on this year.

Senator James cared deeply for his hometown of Marion and Crittenden County.  Through his efforts he did get Marion's new post-office built.  It is the one that is used today on E. Carlisle Street.

The Crittenden County Historical Society has tried for several years to have the post-office named for him.  He did so much for Marion and never has been honored with anything bearing his name as a remembrance of him.

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