Friday, January 15, 2021

1922 Common Sense Business Review

 In 1922, The Crittenden Press was trying to help promote local businesses and tell what they had to offer. The headline read, Common Sense Business Review Editorial, by Roland Kemper. From the archives of The Crittenden Press, Dec. 22, 1922.

These editorials have been compiled with the express purpose of showing the people of this section of the state what some of their home industries have to offer. The elimination of much foreign competition will have to be brought about if Crittenden County is to prosper and be a power in Western Kentucky.

The editorials contain facts and the people who feel that they are not too old to still be enlightened on things will find in reading these articles a new angle to work upon.


A furniture store, when one stops to deliberate, furnishes the essentials that go to make a home out of a house. The making of a home, I must admit, necessitates favorable relation between man and wife. But a perfect home only comes with husband and wife being agreeable and also enough furniture in the house to make it comfortable and beautiful.

From this fact then we turn to the man who offers to the public this necessary part of the home and place more prestige on his business.

Mr. Tucker who conducts a furniture store bearing his name is another businessman who realizes that only as long as he gives a real service to the public will his establishment function in a successful manner.

This is an important fact for the people of this section of the state to know, because a knowledge of what basis he is depending on for success, insures them of having at their disposal a furniture store that is fully stocked with goods of a high standard at reasonable priced.

An inspection of the store by the writer of this article disclosed many unexpected things. They are too numerous to mention but the outstanding general impression was that it is modern, offers a variety of products and that prices were indeed reasonable when the quality of good was considered.

Mr. Tucker has left nothing undone to secure many articles in his store that will make practical and appropriate gifts for the holiday buyers.

Mr. Tucker also conducts an undertaking establishment. During the time he has been identified with the professional life of the community he has kept in touch with all that is new in the way of equipment but he is thoroughly abreast of the times relative to the latest scientific ideas on embalming. Courteous and efficient to a marked degree, he has won the confidence and heart felt commendation of many clients who have found great satisfaction in being relieved of troublesome details in the time of sorrow.


In making my business survey of the bigger industries of Crittenden County I find this concern occupying a prominent position in its line of products.

It is only when one realizes the fact that bread is the staff of life, that the quality of the contents of this food is given much consideration, but with this knowledge of the important part bread plays in the health of our people it seems to me that rare discrimination should be given when it comes to the purchasing of flour and other breadstuffs.

A flour for example that has a look of fluff will not make as light a bread as the careful housewife demands and on the other hand a flour that is lacking in the proper bleaching process is not white consequently a dark bread is the result from its use.

I find that the Marion Milling Co. has left not a stone unturned to produce in "SWAN" their famous brand of flour, both of the qualities that have been discussed in this paragraph. This is a triumph in the modern milling industry and the proprietors of this mill in the rendering of this service to the people of this community are deserving of any amount of praise.

The men who operate this concern know that the success of their business is based upon the service they give their patrons and it is with this view in mind that they are over striving to build this business on and again the interests in this business are well aware of the fact that a letting down in the quality of their products will enable other concerns in the field to soon have their business.

So it seem to the writer that the housewives who are not already using Swan would do extremely well to investigate the quality of this home product. If found good, which I believe will be the case, then use and boost it with a vengeance.

                                              F.O. BUTLER GARAGE

F. O. Butler is very large, but that's not the reason he runs a garage. The reason he does – so we are told, is because he gives service whether it's hot or it's cold. 2nd the people like it and came from afar, to have him make repairs on their car. And when the car is repaired, the work is the very best. If you want your car made safe as a bank, Take it in and have it looked over by Big Frank.

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