Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Marion's First Girl's Basketball Team


The 1920 annual of Marion High School, called "The Mirror," tells of the first in the school's history.  Their record was 0-4.  Marion 6 - Providence 16.  Marion 6 - Sturgis 49.  Marion 7 - Morganfield 24.  Marion 13 - Morganfield 15.

This was the first year for the girls of M.H.S. to try their strength in athletics and taking in consideration all the drawbacks it must be admitted that we brought forth a good team even if it was a losing team.

Although we didn't win a game we feel that the basketball season was a real success for it taught us all how to be good losers and to play harder when being defeated.

Taking into consideration that this is our first year is such sports we have made remarkable progress and expect in the future to be invincible. 

The Players

  • Elizabeth Dollar was elected captain of this year;s team and played guard throughout the season.  She was quick an good at breaking up plays.
  • Dollie Enoch played forward throughout the greater part of the season.  She did well in her position and was a dependable player throughout the entire time.
  • Jessie Elkins another of our old reliable players shone out from under our opponents' basket and made it hard for them to score.  She was our best guard this year.
  • Evalyn Moore, although short and light in weight, "Curley" won a place on the main team.  She was quick and hard to guard and for reason she was able to play forward.
  • Marie Lowery, "Tip" played center for us.  She was a good player for this responsible position and was always on the job fighting like a tiger.
  • Katherine Hughes, "Kat" played a good fast game at forward.  She was accurate in throwing baskets and co-operating in team work.
  • Leoda McWhirter, "Toadie" played guard most of the season.  She was an earnest work and dependable player.
  • Robbie Fowler, played forward most of the time but was also a good center.  Although not as tall as some , she could always evade the long arms of her guard and shoot the goal.
  • Fannie Moore, "Fan" played guard this season.  Being tall she made a good player for that position.  She always played a scrappy consistent game.
  • Melba Williams, "Babe" was our substitute and played center part of the time as well as a good forward.  She played a clean game all the time.

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