Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Armistice Day Memories


An old article that appeared in The Crittenden Press, November 14, 1930, tells of an Armistice Day that was celebrated in Marion for that year.  (Armistice Day wasn't changed to Veterans Day until 1954.)

Calling the attention of a oft time forgetful public to the significance of the day, whistles and the fire alarm blown at eleven o'clock Tuesday Morning reminded Marion that 12 years ago, the signing of the Armistice at eleven o'clock on the eleventh of November brought to a close the World War.  As the whistles died away, taps was sounded in front of the Armory.

Appropriate exercises were held in Fohs Hall Tuesday morning to which the public were invited and which were attended by the entire student body of the city schools.

The program was arranged by the Ellis B. Ordway Post of the American Legion.  Addresses were made by J. Roy Johnson, who talked on The Flag; David Postlethweight on Peace Time Preparedness; C. S. Nunn, who talked on The Constitution. 

Vocal solos were sung by Mrs. Dobbyns and by W. W. Runyan; with Miss Laura Butler and Mrs. J. B. Wiggins as their accompanists.  Miss Juanita Sory gave a reading, a story of the Civil War.

Banks were closed in Marion and many of the business houses displayed the flag before their stores.  School was dismissed at the close of the exercises in Fohs Hall for the remainder of the day which otherwise passed in an uneventful manner.

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