Wednesday, October 16, 2019

The Church That Was Never Finished

I wrote this article in April of 2008.  Has some good history about Tolu.

The Church That Was Never Finished
This is an interesting article concerning another church that was planning to be built at Tolu in 1921 but never got any further than a corner stone built and a marker engraved. The article appeared in the July 8th, 1921 edition of The Crittenden Press.

The Cornerstone of the Tolu Methodist Church was laid Monday, July 4th in the presence of the largest crowds that ever assembled in Tolu.

The ceremony was under the auspices of Hurricane Lodge 571 F & A M with Dr. Arthur Mather acting as Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Kentucky.

The program for the day was started by a concert by the Marion and Tolu orchestras, followed by the Marion Methodist Male Quarter. The concert was followed by a number of speeches by some of the most prominent men of the country. T. C. Bennett acted as Chairman. Addresses were made by Dr. A. Mather, Rev. J. W. Turner, Hon. C. S. Nunn, W. D. Cannan and Hon. J. W. Blue Jr. Miss Mary Elizabeth Bennett, daughter of T. C. Bennett recited the Declaration of Independence.

Immediate after the speeches came one of the most enjoyable features of the day, the barbecue dinner. There was an abundance of meat, which was cooked in true barbecue style. Hogs, cattle and sheep were prepared for the feast and then there were salads, pickles, breads, pie and lemonade. It was estimated that over 2000 people were fed. The feast was spread on the spacious lawn of Mrs. J. W. Guess adjoining the lot on which the new church is now being built.

Immediately after the barbecue the members of Hurricane Masonic Lodge No. 571 with members from adjoining Lodges met in their hall about the Farmers & Merchants Bank with the following officials in charge. Dr. Arthur Mather, Grand Master, W. D. Cannan, Deputy Grand Master, T. T. Guess, Grand Senior Warden, A. J. Bebout, Grand Junior Warden, C. S. Nunn, Grand Secretary, J. W. Blue, Grand Treasurer, E. R. Williams, Grand Senior Deacon, E. J. Travis, Grand Junior Deacon, R. W. Wilborn, Grand Marshal, C. E. Mayes, Grand Steward, Lem Bozeman, Grand Steward, M. V. Arnold, Grand Architect, C. W. Love, Grand Tyler.

       This was the corner stone that was talked about in the article.
The procession was then formed and the company marched to the site of the new church.
After the ceremonies of laying the cornerstone Dr. Mather read an inspiring and eloquent address. A copper receptacle containing the following articles was place beneath the stone, Bible, Discipline, Nashville Christian Advocate, Central Methodist Membership roll, names of Bishop Denny, Rev. T. L. Hulse, Rev. O. M. Capshaw, Dr. A. Mather, those of the building committee and a copy of the deed.

The new church will be one of the most magnificent for the size of the town in the state. It is to cost $22,000. and will be most modern and well built. 

Everyone present had the best time that could be possible. There was an abundance of eats, entertainment for everyone, good speeches, good music and a shady lawn to rest on.

Mrs. Myra Guess Hamilton who lives on her ancestor's home place, the J. W. Guess place, told me that she wasn't sure why the church never was built, unless the money was never raised to finish the church.

 The old corner stone still stands in the empty lot adjoining Myra's yard, and the engraved corner marker has a home in Myra's flowerbed.

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