Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Re-Building Of Marion After Fire

After the great fire of March 28, 1905, hardly before the smoke had died down, the Marion business men were already planning on rebuilding the town business section.

In July, only 4 months later a report was given on the progress.

There are 21 buildings under way and completed in the burned district.  There are two warehouses, one bakery, and one machine shop completed.  

The balance are all business houses and when completed, Marion will put on quite a different appearance, as they are all very modern buildings.

The Masonic Temple is a three story with unfinished stone trimming and front of cream pressed brick.

The Marion Bank building will be a beauty.  It has finished stone trimmings and is all cream pressed brick.

The post office is also cream pressed brick.  Nearly all the balance of the buildings are red pressed brick.

September 1, 1905 - Big Dinner and Fireworks
The citizens have set on foot a movement to have a general reopening, day of business houses destroyed by the first of March 28, and September 28 has been suggested as the day for such a reopening of New Marion.

The date is very appropriate, marking as it does, an epoch of just six months after the fire.

It is expected to have a big barbecue dinner and ice cream and lemonade feast to be served free during the afternoon and to have a display of fire works at night.

All building now under course of construction will be completed and occupied by the time set for opening day, and most, if not all firms now occupying tents or other temporary quarters, will have found permanent locations and be ready to receive their friends and customers, and make the day one of great rejoicing.

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