Tuesday, March 12, 2019

School News Brightened Newspaper in 1931's

Always fun and interesting to read are the old articles about our one room county schools.  A vital part of each small community were these schools with their activities and the sharing of their school news to The Crittenden Press. 

 Those industrious ladies of the P. T. A. worked hard and long to create fund raisers to raise money to buy things for their children's school. These activities bring back many memories of those wonderful days of the one room schools and how everything we had was appreciated and not expected to be given to us.

Sept. 26, 1931 -  
Bells Mines School.
The chicken dinner given by the P. T. A. was well attended, the committee cleared about $17.50 for new items for the school room.  

The sixth grade is claiming all the honors this week, one of their number, Katherina Hina, went to Marion last week and captured first prize in the Declamatory contest.  She will go to Murray and try for the medal in the district contest.
Sept. 1931 - Pleasant Hill School - Much interest and enthusiasm is being shown by the patrons and pupils at Pleasant Hill school this year.

The school grounds have been cleaned off and stone walks have been constructed.  A gigantic slide and chinning bars have been added to the play ground.  Thanks to the P. T. A. a new chart and reading materials have been added to the library and the pupils are learning to use them wisely.  These ladies also have redecorated the cloak rooms with wall paper, and full length window curtains and shades have been added to the school room.

A large crowd attended the Fall festival and program which was given at the school house.  The school saw a nice profit on the sale of hot coffee, candy, cake and popcorn balls.  A program consisted of songs, readings, dialogs and declamation was presented by the pupils.  One special number was greatly enjoyed by the audience, it was a little French musical drama presented by Madeline and Elmer Rice, children of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Rice.  Mrs. Rice was a French woman.  The children gave the entire drama in the French language.
Sept. 1931 - Chapel Hill School - School attendance has been well the month of school.  

A big crowd attended our community meeting and ice cream supper Friday night.  The event was sponsored by the P. T.A. and $17.00 was cleared for the benefit of the school to purchase library books.

Mr. Elbert Brown and Mr. Holloman, of Crayne furnished us with some fine music.

Mrs. Leslie Earl gave a recitation, Mr. R. M. Allen, Mrs. Earl Patmore, J. C, Nunn and Ina Long presented a dialogue.

Thomas Beshears, Rudell Nunn and George Conditt gave a short comedy.

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