Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Weston's By-Laws Established Town's Order

In May of 1880 the town trustees of Weston met and organized with J. H. Lamb as chairman and R. I Nunn as clerk. 

One of their first duties was to write the By-Laws of their town of Weston. Later that year the new Weston By-Laws were printed in the August 25, 1880 issue of the Crittenden Press. There were 23 Sections, but I've only used part of them for this article. By reading these By-Laws, you know these men wanted the best for the citizens of their busy river port town. 

Crittenden Press - August 25, 1880
 Section 1st. Any person or persons who shall be found guilty of disorderly conduct within the town of Weston, or shall be found loitering around about is said town, not employed in some visible or laudable occupation, shall be fined not to exceed ten dollars for each offense, and, in default of payment, shall be committed to the lock-up of said town, not exceeding one day for every two dollars of the fine.  

Section 2nd. Upon all theatrical performances, each exhibition of wild animals, menagerie or circus, and for all other shows, concerts, etc, there shall be paid for license to the Marshal or Clerk of the town of Weston a tax of not more than ten or less than two dollars, the amount at the discretion of the Marshal or Clerk

Section 3rd. Retailers of ardent spirits within the town of Weston shall pay a tax of ten dollars per annum in addition to the State tax, imposed by the laws of the State of Kentucky, for license to retail ardent spirits in said town in any quantify not less than a quart and not to be drank in the house, on the premises, nor adjacent thereto, which sum shall be paid by the person or persons desiring such license to the Marshal of said town, who, upon receipt of same, shall give his receipt therefor, stating of whom received and for what purpose and the amount; and, upon said receipt being produced and filed with the Clerk of the Board of Trustees, the Clerk will issue to such person or persons a license to sell ardent spirits within said town of Weston for the space of one year from the date of the Marshal’s receipt; Such license shall not be so constructed as to permit or authorize the applicant to sell in quantities less than a quart, and that not to be drank in the house or on the premises, or adjacent thereto.

Section 8th. Any person who shall be guilty of drunkenness within the town of Weston shall pay a fine of any sum not to exceed ten dollars, and in default of payment of said fine, shall be committed to the lock-up of the town for the space of twelve hours, unless bond and security be given for the amount of fine and cost.

Section 9th. Any person who shall be guilty of profane swearing in a clamorous manner in the town of Weston shall forfeit and pay a fine not less than one or more than ten dollars for each and every such offense, and, in default of payment, shall be committed to the lock up of the town for not exceeding ten days or may be so fined and imprisoned.

Section 13th. Any person who shall be guilty of any indiscreet or boisterous conduct, such as disturbs the peace and dignity of the town, or any boisterous conduct on the Sabbath, crying aloud in a disorderly manner, by day or night, blowing of horns, or any disorderly or strange noise, or any riotous act not enumerated in any of the foregoing sections shall be fined in any sum not exceeding ten dollars for each offense, and, in default of payment, shall be confined in the loci-up not exceeding one day for each two dollars of the fine, or maybe imprisoned not exceeding ten days

Section 14th. Any person who shall be guilty of any grossly improper or indecent conduct in any public part of the town of Weston shall be fined in any sum not exceeding ten dollars, and in default of payment, shall be confined in the lock-up of the town not exceeding one day for each two dollars of the fine.

A Weston Community picture made in April during the 1913 Ohio River Floor.  C. W. Grady's house is pictured in the background.  A grand house for it's time.  In the boat on left is: Joseph Hughes, Mae Holeman, Mamie Hughes and Tommy Hughes.  In boat on right is Cassie Cain and Myrtle Hill Cain.   Weston Cemetery in on the hill in the background.  Almost bare of any trees at this time in history.

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