Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Moore & Orme Drug House - 1894

From the special edition of The Crittenden Press in 1894.  One of Marion's main street businesses.

The drug house of Moore & Orme is a leading establishment of the city and the proprietors have shown from its incipiency that no pains were to be spared in placing it in the front rank.

The store-room is beautifully finished in oak and the prescription case is one of the most complete in appointment of any we have ever seen.

The business is as solid as oak, but the growth of the business has been exactly the opposite of that slow growth timer, Mr. Moore is largely engaged in other business, as he was a practicing physician for fifteen years, is an ex-president of the Marion bank and is now a candidate for railroad commissioner.

J. H. Orme is a registered pharmacist, of five years experience, a graduate of the Vanderbilt University, and has been in business here for the past three years, and to him is left the entire charge of the establishment.

The druggists profession, while among the most attractive, is at the same time one of the most responsible callings; a druggist must, of necessity, possess much knowledge of the service be painstaking, careful and reliable.

The confidence reposed in the skill and knowledge of a druggist, in constantly entrusting our lives in his hand, speaks louder than an encomiums.  Among these in Marion none enjoys more implicitly the full confidence of the people, and justly, too, than Mr. Orme, whose business premises are the next door north of the Marion Bank.

The stock of drugs is large and complete, so one ever calls for anything in the world of medicine that is not to be found and of a good quality, kept fresh and pure.

This house of business burnt in the great fire of 1905, but Mr. Orme rebuilt his drug store in the same location.  The location was the former home of the Marion Cafe and now the home of Botanical Flowers and Gifts.

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