Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Holiday Season In Full Swing - 1938

Christmas in Marion was very different many years ago.  As I'm sure it was in all small towns.  All the stores on Main Street were full of businesses, and at this time of year, all the windows would be full of their Christmas merchandise and beautiful decorated with colorful lights and items of Christmas.  Simple decorations but beautiful to the small child looking at them all.

From an article in Crittenden Press, Dec. 16, 1938.  The holiday season is in "full swing" in Marion with stores stocked to capacity for Christmas shoppers.  All are beautifully decorated and clerks in readiness to meet the last minute rush of shoppers.

The business section, Main St. from Crittenden Motor Co. to Runyan Chevrolet Co. is a veritable canopy of multicolored lights strung across the thoroughfare; likewise is Carlisle from Main to Crittenden Hotel.  The electrical work was done by Kentucky Utilities Co. employees without charge.

Local merchants now have on display one of the most adequate and wide selection of gifts and holiday good ever offered to the Christmas shopper.   Practically every form of gift is offered from the smallest and inexpensive article t that of the most costly and difficult to procure.  Stores are open to 9 o'clock each night.

Many windows are outlined in colored lights and the Santa Claus banner at Main and Bellville Streets is lighted by flood lights from City Drug Co. and Red Front stores.

Business has been brisk for the past four days with today, tomorrow and next week expected to bring forth the last minute rush.  All merchants urge shopping early.

One of the favorite stores to do your shopping, and not only at Christmas time.

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