Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Towns of 1890

In a special Illustrated Edition of The Crittenden Press in August 1894, it tells about "Towns" in Crittenden County.
  • Tolu is located on the Ohio River, and is situated in the midst of a fine farming district giving it prominence, to say nothing of its importance as a shipping point.  There are dry good stores, groceries, a hard-war store, a gristmill, a sawmill, repair shops and other industries that go to make a thriving village.  The town was founded by J. W. Guess, some years ago, and has grown right a long.
  • Fords Ferry is one of the busiest towns of the county.  Early in the century it was a great crossing place and it is associated with the name of Ford.  The town has lost much of its ancient glory, but there is still considerable shipping don from that point, and there is one large general merchandise store and other smaller business affairs.
  • Weston is also on the Ohio River and is still a good business point.  The stores have good stocks of goods, and the cheap river freight rates gives it some advantages.  A good schoolhouse and church are among the institutions of the town.
  • Shady Grove is on the line that divides Crittenden and Caldwell counties and is not for from Webster and neighbors with Hopkins Co.  There are several stores in Shady Grove and the merchants enjoy a good patronage.  In the village are merchants, doctors, and ministers, and all the industries that make a complete community.
  • Iron Hill is a post office and country store, on the Marion and Shady Grove Road and a good deal of business is done there.
  • Repton is a new town new the Ohio Valley Railroad.  The railroad is a shipping point for a large scope of the surrounding country. There is a good store and the town promises to grow.
  • Crayneville is one of the most prosperous towns on the Ohio Valley Railroad.  There are two splendid business men here that run grocery stores and they keep goods stocked.  They have a small depot and a large tobacco factory.
  • Frances between Crayneville and Dycusburg, is a post office.  It has three stores and some good citizens.  Here is also located Liberty Lodge F. & A. M. and they have a nice hall.
  • View, another post office, is near A. H. Cardin's farm.  A well-filled country store, handled by a thrifty, stirring business man, and a splendid blacksmith shop constitute the business portion of the town.
  • Levias gets daily mail from Marion, has three stores and other enterprises.  There are some good business men here.
  • Sheridan has three stores, a blacksmith shop, a Masonic Hall and plenty of good citizens.  A daily mail runs out to Sheridan from Marion, and by Irma, another post office, and a good business point to Tolu.

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