Monday, August 15, 2016

Marion's Cannery

In 1943, Mr. W. R. Winfrey, county extension agent was working to get Marion to have a community cannery.  

A boiler was needed to establish the local center, after the boiler was accrued and placed the other equipment would be gotten without delay.  

The best location was found to be behind the Marion High School building on College Street.  (The building is still standing today.  It was later used as a Band room for Marion High School and then the location of the mentally challenged pupils.  Today it is an apartment.)

In August 1943 the cannery was ready for operations.  Facilities were available to anyone at the rate of two cents per can, or anyone could bring their own jars and lids if they wanted to.  If you didn't, these items could also be purchased at the cannery.

Someone would be present who was acquainted with the use of the equipment and proper methods of preparing foods for canning and preserving them.

All cans were to be sealed electrically with skilled workmen to handle the operation of the sealer.

The cannery was open all day and and also at night.  It was also equipped with tables and everything that was needed to prepare your meats and vegetables for canning.  There was only a small fee charged for people that did their own work, it was to pay for fuel, water and electricity.

In October of that year the Press tells that over 4,000 cans of corn and pumpkin had been cleaned, prepared, processed and canned by approximately 100 families.  Eighteen pints of jelly was made in 30 minutes and more than 2,000 quarts of vegetables canned.

In July of 1951 the cannery was still open and running, on a three day week schedule.

I don't have any information on when the cannery closed down or what happened to the machinery that was used.

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