Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Crystal Palace Drug Store

September 8, 1905 -Opening Of The Crystal Palace Drug Store

No occasion of greater festivity or more thorough enjoyment has been attended this season than the opening of the beautiful new drug store of H. K. Woods and J. H. Orme. It is one of the handsomest and best equipped drug stores in Kentucky.

 The Press calls the attention of the readers to the reestablishing of the old reliable drug firm of Woods and Orme, in their new elegant quarters, which has been erected on the spot where the firm was burned out in the great conflagration which burned two squares of he business section of this city, in March of this year.

The building is a massive two story pressed brick front, stone columns and plate glass show windows. It would do credit to a city of 10,000 inhabitants. It and the ware-room adjoining extend 115 ft. from Marin Street to alley.

The interior is elaborately finished and equipped. The ceiling is of ornamental steel and handsome design, the tints of which harmonize with the general interior of the store and from which myriads of electric lights line the entire length adding beauty and radiance to the scene.

The floor is finished in tiling of exquisite design and color, and as one enters the store the myriads of tinted electric globes reflect a dazzling beauty over the French plate mirrors, glass showcases, counters and the marble top, onyx column fountain. The pilasters on the fixtures are three inches deep and the ornaments alone at the top of these fixtures cost Messrs. Woods and Orme about $ 50.00. 

The furniture, prescription case and all of the interior equipments are from the great Meyers Bros. Drug Company of St. Louis. The showcases are of plate glass with bevel edge surmounted by an eight-inch marble base. 

The handsomest of mirrors adorn the walls from floor to ceiling. Perhaps the prettiest of these mirrors is the one which adorns the back of the prescription case. It is six feet square surrounded by ornamental glass trimmings which make quite a a pretty combination with the wire glass windows in the rear at the top o f the balcony. But by far the most beautiful addition to the store is the handsome $2,000 fountain on the right as you enter. It is of mahogany with marble and onyx fixtures and counters.

Messes. Woods and Orme are now ready to serve ice cream and all kinds of cold drinks, which will be served until cold weather.

Today, Thursday their opening day and they will present each lad visitor with a handsome souvenir consisting of an aluminum box of sachet powder with the firm's name engraved in gold.
Levi Cook, the jeweler, has also moved to his new quarters in Woods and Orme's drug sore. He has an exceptionally pretty line of jewelry and his stock certainly adds beauty to the already splendidly furnished quarter. His selection of fixtures harmonizes with the Woods and Orme fixtures and were also made by Meyers Bros. Drug Company

This building was later the Marion Cafe', most remember it being owned and operated by Cap and Edith Cline.  Today May 2016 the store is occupied  by The Botanical Flowers and Gift Shop.

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