Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Ollie James Special

February 20, 1913. - The Ollie James Special train car was in Marion to pick up the hometown folks going to Washington for the inauguration of their own Senator James.  Travelers included local business men from Marion, P. S. Maxwell, J. H. Orme, H. K. Woods, John W. Wilson, Dr. F. W. Nunn, Sam Gugheneim, W. G. Clifton, C. J. Pierce and T. H. Cochran.  From Tolu were J. B. Croft, W. E Dowell, Bob Dowell and Wm. Barnett.

Asa compliment to their fellow townsman, who has been so signally honored, the residents of Marion, Ky. will leave the depot on Feb. 27th, at 4 0'clock aboard their "Ollie James Special," which will arrive in Louisville Friday morning.

After stopping for breakfast they will attach to the C & O train leaving for Washington, D. C.  They are going there three days before the inauguration in order to see Washington before inauguration day, March 4th, when their favorite sons will take his seat as United States senator.

While in Washington they will be under the personal charge of Senator-elect James, who will accompany them to New York for a couple of days.  

 First the Senator elect had them all to a buffet luncheon in his apartments.  There were nearly two score of them, but Mrs. James, Misses Lizzie and Ruby James, sisters of Mr. James, and Miss Nancy Johnson, daughter of Rep. Ben Johnson, served them beautifully.

Mr. James then brought the whole party to the Capital  where he showed them the building and put them all in the galleries, although the doorkeepers insisted there was no room.

It was always thought that Senator James would most likely be nominated for President for the Democratic Party.  The Louisville Times of Friday, June 16, 1916, places Hon. O. M. James of Marion in nomination for President in 1920.   But this wonderful expected event never got to happen, as Senator Ollie James died at the age of 47 with a kidney disease on August 28, 1918.  His wife, Ruth Tomas James, didn't die until Sept. 16, 1961.  They are buried in the Mapleview Cemetery.


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