Monday, November 9, 2015

Marion and Crittenden County Should Be Proud

An interesting article appeared in The Crittenden Press on Nov. 11, 1909.  It was titled "Things That Marion and Crittenden County Should Be Proud."  A nice way to help preserve our past history.

  • Home of Thomas J. Nunn now serving with distinction as Chief Justice of Kentucky.
  • Home of William J. Deboe who served six years in the United States Senate.
  • Home of Hon. Ollie M. James, now serving his fourth term in our National Congress and who is one among the most highly recognized Statesmen of the United States.
  • Marion is one of the twenty-three towns of Kentucky with a second class post office.
  • The Wilbur Haynes Post Card business pays enough postage in a single month to pay the post office expenses here for a whole year, paying in every month for postage, from $2,400 to $3,400 or about $36,000 a year.
  • Marion is the home of one of the best and most reliable Marble Works in Kentucky and truly the only producers of a high grade granite and marble for the rough stone in all Western Kentucky owned by Henry & Henry.  (still doing business today)
  • The home of the Marion Milling Company, the recognized producers of the most popular brand of flour on the market.
  • The home of the Fluor Spar Co.  This is the greatest mining district in the world today and will be proven so in less than two years.  Statistics show this to be true now and very soon the whole United Sates will be coming here for spar.  
  • The home of the Heath Manufacturing Company, makers of Heath's hand made mission furniture.
  • The home of the Record-Press, now in its thirty-first years and with the largest circulation of any county newspaper in the State.
  • Marion has two tobacco factories that handles the tobacco from 2,800 acres, at an average of eight hundred pounds per acres. 
  • Crittenden produces fine corn, wheat, hay, sheep, hogs, cattle, horses and mules.
  • Marion boasts two of the finest hardware stores in Western Kentucky, a number of large dry goods and clothing houses, a number of large groceries and meat markets; an ice plant, electric light plant, a splendid graded school building, two beautiful drug stores, two banks, a number of fine churches, - no saloons and an empty jail.

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