Monday, August 3, 2015

Early Marion Main Street

This old photo was made between 1890-1905, as these buildings were all burnt in the great fire of  1905 that destroyed all of Marion's business district.

The building on the right was the Marion Bank.  Built in 1890, it was Marion's first bank, and a much needed asset to the town, as the closest bank would have been at Princeton, 23 long miles away. 

The stores in this picture were Goodlow Grocery, Morris & Hubbards, Marion Hardware Co., McConnell's Dry Goods, and M. Copher's grocery, the rest of the block wasn't shown in this old photo.

Marion's old water pump is visible on the left side of the photo, which supplied the water for the town.  (you can click on the photo and it will enlarge for better viewing these objects)

Another interesting site are the ladder-like structures around the Marion Bank.  Upon closer look they must be some kind of protection that was built around each of the small trees. 

Note the absence of light and telephone wires and poles, they would come later.

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