Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Cassidy Enterprise At Dycusburg Was Quite Large

Dycusburg information gathered from the Crittenden Press, dated 1894.

S. H. Cassidy, the senior member of the firm of S. H. Cassidy & Co., was born in Princeton, August 30, 1835.  

When he was quite young his parents moved to Eddyville and form there to Dycusburg when Mr. Cassidy was 18 years old.  He has continued to reside in Dycusburg, making that his home ever since.

At the age of 21, he engaged in steam boating, serving a regular apprenticeship as engineer, and filling successively various positions in a boat from engineer to captain on boats plying the Mississippi, Ohio, Cumberland and Tennessee Rivers.

Then in 1861 he engaged in the mercantile business with W. E. Dycus at Dycusburg, under the firm name of  Dycus and Cassidy.  In addition to being a large general store, the largest in the county, it also had a large commission and business that dealt in grain, tobacco and general produce.   

Mr. Cassidy continued the business under the firm name for several years when he gave up all the branches except that of grain and tobacco.  The members of the tobacco firm were W. S. Dycus and F. B. Dycus, and in tobacco alone, these men are perhaps the largest dealers in the county.  They operate two large plants.

      Pictures of Mr. Cassidy's tobacco operation in Dycusburg in 1894.

Mr. Cassidy stands high as a Mason, having joined the order when 21 years of age.  He is a member of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, and in politics he is a firm believer in the doctrines of the Democracy.

Samuel H. Cassidy died May 31, 1907 and is buried in the Dycusburg cemetery.

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