Wednesday, June 10, 2015

127th Annual Hurricane Church Meeting

This week June 8-14, marks the 127 Annual Hurricane Church Meeting. 

Here is an interesting article about a meeting that happened in 1913, from The Crittenden Press.

Night Riders Send Threatening Notes.  Demand That Admission Fee For Services Be Stoped at Hurricane. 

The first attempt of night riders in Crittenden County to broaden the scope of their operations from tobacco matters alone to other affairs came today when the committee in charge of Hurricane camp meeting, sixteen miles north of here, received threatening letters demanding that they drop their custom of charging admission at the gates of the camp grounds.

In order to defray the expenses of the meeting, which has been an annual affair for many years, the committee decided last year to charge a small gate fee on the two Sundays during which the meeting went on.

The plan had met with some dissatisfaction, but on the whole seemed to be working out very well.

The notices were found scattered all over the camp grounds Thursday morning, but admission was charged nevertheless.  Special guards have been installed and the committee, composed of some of the best citizens of the county, propose to proceed as before.

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