Monday, May 25, 2015

Remembering On Memorial Day

A picture of the war Memorial at Mapleview Cemetery and the white marble crosses that honor our fallen hero's.  

Each year the American Legion Post 111 place an American flag by each cross, and have red, white and blue flowers placed in the urns around the memorial.  It is a very impressive sight to see with the breeze blowing the flags. 

There were ten local men killed or died related to the war in WWI, Forty-eight  in WWII, four in the Korean War, Six in the Vietnam War, and one in the Cold War.

Each Memorial Day and Veterans day, Daryl Tabor, editor, of The Crittenden Press, has a full page Honoring Our County's Hero's.  Pictures for most are included on the memorial page.  

 Several pictures of local men have not be found yet.  They include for WWI:  Pvt. Luther H. Horning, Pvt. John E. Samuel, Pvt.William Curry, Pvt. Harry W. Threlkeld, CPL James Cecil Turner, and Sgt. Maj. Freda E. Baker.
For World War II: PFC Forest E. Brantley, Army, Sgt. Herbert A. Hoover, PFC James B. Truitt, Sgt. Denver L. Marvel, Army National Guard, Sgt. Jack L. Woody, Army Air Force, PFC John Dancy Hodge, PFC Herman Carter Shewcraft and PFC James C. Yandell.  

Korean War: Sgt. Junior Raymond McDowelll and Sgt. James Rodger Bissell

It is amazing that we have been able to find as many pictures and history that we have, it would be wonderful to complete the memorial with pictures of the above named.  If anyone can share a picture and/or history of any of these men it would be greatly appreciated.  You may submit to The Crittenden Press at 270-965-3191 or email  or contact me at
Thank you.

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