Tuesday, April 21, 2015

The Forgotten Community of View and White Hall

View - How the name View and White Hall school came to be. 

 One of the views that Mrs. Cardin may have seen from her home

Mr. Alfred H .Cardin was born in Virginia and came to Western Kentucky in 1845. He and his family settled on a large farm close to the center area of the county, seven miles from Marion. Here Mr. Cardin built a handsome two-story residence for his family. At the time, their farm was on the main road leading out of Marion. (The Trail of Tears road).

His wife Mary, thought the area was beautiful and their pleasant county home was a popular resort for their many friends. She loved the view of the fields and forests she could see from their comfortable home.

A school was soon needed for the area. Mr. Cardin, Senator Clement, A. B. Hodge and others gave donations to help build a school near the road and not far from their home. It would also be used for church gathering for the local neighbors since Marion was seven miles away. Mrs. Cardin took much interest in the local surroundings and she suggested the newly built structure be painted white and called White Hall. It was indeed a very pretty building when it was finished.

 The school in this picture was the original White Hall School.  It burnt in later years.

The area also began to need a post office, it would be located just below the school location at the cross-roads, (View Rd. and Frances Rd. today) being newly established it needed a name, and once again Mrs. Cardin suggested the name of View, it was appropriate for her feelings for her home site.

There is nothing left of Mrs. Cardin's pretty White Hall School house, and no visible signs of the little community of View, where the post office was located that she named. Just another forgotten passage of time, if not for the road sign that tells you as you drive along the road, that you are on View Road. It is still a beautiful location even today.

Some years ago as you drove around our beautiful country side, if you saw an old road that you might want to explore you were able to walk the road, and look for wild flowers or even an old cemetery or homeplace.  Today our county is not so sociable.  I think mostly due to hunting rights on most all the land.  
This is what greets you most anywhere you go.  No more fun exploring times.

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