Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Baptizing in Crooked Creek

Being dunked in your local creek used to be the standard way of getting baptized, but not much anymore.  Today modern churches have the baptizing done in their churches with the water tank built right in the pulpit.
In 1903 a large baptizing was taking place at Crooked Creek.  Rev. Blackburn and Rev. Conway immersed 24 young people in the presence of an audience of 600 people who had gathered on both banks of the creek and crowed every inch of space on the bluff over-looking the pool.

The candidates were led into the water in strings of six by the officiating ministers, each tier of six being placed behind the last one led in.  When all were in the water and ready, the photography firm of Steward & Ringo, who were on the ground for the purpose, photographed the group.  It was indeed a sight to be be long remembered.

The baptizing then proceeded and all passed off pleasantly.  The exercises were very interesting.

 Those baptized were:  Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gass, Allie Hughes, Bayles Paris, Fred Guess, Herbert McMican, Mesdames Lizzie Pope, Della Ford, Josie Gass, Laura Gass, and Misses Pearl Morrill, Eva Driver, Connie Ford, Bessie Hurst, Lillie Guess, Allie Woodall, Ellen Gass, Lucy Gass, Minnie Gass, Kittie Howerton, Duke Howerton, Ina Butler and Bertie Ford.

Here is another wonderful old baptizing picture shared by Glenn Newcom of Louisville, Ky., who was born and raised in the Weston area of Crittenden County.

Crooked Creek probably had more baptizing's than any other in the county.

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