Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Marion's Kiwanis Club

It seems in the early 1900s-1920s, Marion had a lot of enthusiastic young and older men a like that were very civic minded and were always willing to work for their town and community.  They were always working together to make Marion a better place to live and a better working environment.  

One of the organizations that was formed to help these causes was the Kiwanis Club.  It was formed in May of 1923.

 Along with their hard work for the community, the members also enjoyed some fellowship together, such as the crowd that attended a Kiwanis Barbecue picnic.

From the files of The Crittenden Press, comes some history of the organization.

Another one of Marion’s Community Minded organizations was the Kiwanis Club. It received its charter in May of 1923.
May 4, 1923 – Marion Kiwanis Club
The Marion Kiwanis Club met on Friday evening of last week for their “Charter Party” and a splendid program had been arranged for the occasion. The meeting was also turned into ladies’ night. The district governor made the presentation at the banquet.

The Marion Orchestra furnished music for the occasion. The Kiwanis Club Quartet sang several selections and Misses Guess and Mrs. Newton Moore entertained with some musical numbers.
During the course of the dinner there was prize drawing for the ladies. Each Kiwanian gave some prize for the occasion. At the plates for souvenirs were memo books with the Kiwanis emblem for the ladies and match boxes with the emblem for the men.

Clem S. Nunn resided at the meeting and as soon as the banquet had been served, introduced Hon. Charles T. Gilbert of Nashville, District Governor of the Kiwanis International.
Mr. Gilbert gave a splendid address, explaining what Kiwanis was and its work and how the Club became organized and received its name, and at the conclusion of the address presented President L. E. Crider with the Charter. 

This was followed by a speech by Mr. Crider accepting the Charter, and outlining the work that the local club will undertake and has undertaken to accomplish. Our motto is “We Build” and our principle endeavor is to build our community to its highest level.

The hall was decorated in the Kiwanis colors and Kiwanian hats and been passed around in the beginning of the party so everyone present could not help but have the Kiwanis spirit.

During the dinner Secretary Bourland read the several telegrams from the various clubs welcoming the local organization into their large family.

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