Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Knights of Pythyas Hall

Crittenden Press 1890 - Three years ago a number of the Knights from Ivy Lodge, Henderson, came over to Marion and instituted a new Lodge, with a membership of twelve.

Since that time the order has been gradually growing and now numbers forty.

A few months ago the idea of building a hall of their own was conceived and on Friday night last the new building was ready to be occupied.

Henderson and other neighboring Lodges were invited to assist in dedicating the handsome building.  A special train brought twenty-seven visitors.  They were met at the depot and escorted up town by Blackwell Lodge.  After supper a large crowd gathered at the opera house and the visiting Knights were welcomed by Sir Knight A. C. Moore.

The new hall is a substantial brick handsomely finished without and within and is a credit to the popular and rapidly growing order and an honor to the town.  

The new KP  was built in 1890 and this pictures appeared in the Illistratued Edition of the Crittenden Press in 1894.

The building may look familiar to some of us Crittenden Countians because in later year is was the Lottie Terry store and then her son's James Terry's. 

It was located on West Bellville Street where the Christian Church and Gilbert's Funeral Home parking lot is today.

The old building was torn down in the mid 1980's and I'm sure not anyone really knew the age or history behind this once new and impressive building.

I do not know when the Knights of Pythyas discontinued their lodge here.

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