Tuesday, September 9, 2014

The Fohs Family

The Mark E. Fohs family came to Marion and made it their home in 1890.  They were Jewish immigrants from New York.  Mr. Fohs's occupation was a tailor.  In 1894 he had a nice business located on Bellville Street.

From Crittenden Press in 1894
One of the latest additions to Marion's business concerns, and one that is rapidly growing into public favor is M. E. Fohs' tailor shop. The proprietor came here from New York and commenced the business on a small scale. He proved to be a fine tailor and his work gave such general satisfaction that a few customers grew to be many, and now he employs three persons to assist him in the shop. He has an expert cutter, a man who thoroughly understand his business. He has filled his house with the best and latest fabric in the way of cloths and can give as good a suit as can be purchased from the city tailor.

He fits perfectly, guarantees his goods and does straight, honest work in the make up. His suits equally as stylish, fully as well made, and fit as neatly as any suit you can get from Evansville, Louisville, or Paducah tailors, while his prices are below those of the city tailor.

Tailor made suits, or pants cost but little more at the start, than the eastern made store clothes; from the shop always get a fit, and the clothes look better while you are wearing them, last much longer, and in fact are more serviceable in every way; consequently it is much cheaper in the long run to patronize a first-class tailor, such a one as there is in Marion.

Mr. Fohs cordially invites the people of Marion and those of the surrounding country to call at his shop. He will take pleasure in showing his goods and the styles, giving you prices and will convince you that he does a superior grade of work.

He makes the everyday suits for rough wear of cloth and work that have the staying qualities, and they fit and are nice too, he makes the medium suits, and he makes the finest dress suits. If you have not been waring tailor made clothes, drop into his shop on Bellville street and have a chat with him on the subject of clothes, he has permanently located here, wants to make your acquaintance and may be able to tell you something of value.

He lost his successful tailor business in the fire of 1905. 

 After Marion got most of it's business houses built back he was able to open a new store on Main Street, but this time it was a Variety Store known as "The Mine."

Ad from April 1910.


One of Mr. Fohs's sons was Julius Fohs who went to school here and later after he became a very successful oil baron out west he donated the money for Marion's Fohs Hall.

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