Monday, September 29, 2014

Mapleview Moments, Sept. 27, 2014

On Saturday, Sept 27, the Fohs Halls Community Arts Foundation presented Mapleview Moments.  This was a visit to our city cemetery, Mapleview, with a visit with some of our past citizens who once shared some of their history with us.  A very interesting tour was given.

Greeting the visitors as they arrived was Mamie Mapleview.  (aka Becky Tyner-Belt)

She was a ghostly spirit that roamed the earth visiting from place to place.

This day she chose Mapleview to land so she could welcome the visitors to the tour.

 Dressed in all her finery she was a sight to see.

Some of the other stops on the tour included:

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Cochran (aka Chris and Allison Evans)

T. H. Cochran came to Marion from Livingston Co. in 1882 and began working in the hardware business.  He began the Cochran Hardware Co. in 1895.  The Cochran Hardware Store was one of the best stores in Western Ky.

Mrs. Clara Nunn Cochran came from the little community of Rodney, located on Hwy. 365 not too far from Bells Mines. 
She married T. H. Cochran in Oct. of 1933, being his second wife.  She worked in the store with him for several years and helped manage the displays and hardware.

Mr. Cochran died in 1952 at the age of 90 and Mrs. Cochran lived until 1968, being 87 years old.

Mrs. Mary Witherspoon Wilson (aka Phyllis Sykes).

Since husband Mr. Wilson was unable to be present for the visit he sent Mrs. Wilson to do the talking.  She brought alone his picture to share with us.

The Wilson family was very prominent in farming and well as Mr. Wilson was a very prominent business man in Marion.  He helped with bringing the railroad into Crittenden County, and at one time owned the Crittenden Springs Hotel.  He also helped with the organization of the Marion Bank.

Mr. Wilson also built the first permanent residence home in Marion in 1846.  It was known as the Wilsonia.  A grand home in it's time.
Mr. Wilson died Jan. 2, 1920 and Mrs. Wilson died March 25, 1925.

Next we met and spoke with Rev. James F. Price (aka Frank Pierce)

Born in 1853 in the Cave Springs area of Crittenden County.

Rev. Price was one of the most prominent ministers in Presbyterian circles.  He held many high offices in the church in addition to holding pastorates in eight Wetern Ketnucky cities.

He was also the organizer and founder of Crittenden County Singing Conventions. Was ordained a CP minister in 1881.

Rev. Price was also noted genealogist and historian. Many of his writings and articles have helped supply many of the historic facts that we know of today about the county.  He also wrote a small book on the Travis Family.  

He died Sept. 10, 1937 at the age of 84. Before he died he said  "I had a good life and tried to contribute to my community and be a faithful servant of the Lord."

Mrs. Grace Conditt McKee  (aka Ramona Ford) waited for the visitors under the shade of one of the Maple trees.

Grace was born in 1895 on the family homestead, located in the Forrest Grove Community.  Her parents were William and Martha Witherspoon Conditt.  

She was born in the original home of her grandfather, Uri Witherspoon, which is still standing today and we know it as the Wheeler Log Cabin on the Forrest Grove Road.

After attending school and teachers college she returned to Marion and got a job as instructor in the county school system.  Later she lived with her aging parents and took care of them.

She met her husband the Rev. Samuel McKee while attending church at the U. S. A. Presbyterian Church,  she was by then, 42 years old.  They married on June 28, 1937.

Grace didn't have a long life and she died on May 10, 1941 at the age of 46 years.
Ah, the wonderful old cemeteries, silent story tellers I call them.  They are so full of history.  Most everyone one has a story to tell.

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