Monday, July 7, 2014

Dr. J. O. Dixon Home

Located at the end of East Carlisle Street is the family home of Dr. J. O. Dixon .

Dr. Dixon had this handsome residence built in 1901.  I always called it the Turret House.  No other information about the unusual architecture of the home is known.   It would be wonderful to know who drew up the plans for the home and what kind of architecture it was.

Myra Dixon was the daughter of Dr. Dixon and his wife, Mae Croft Dixon.  She later married Maurie Nunn.
Galen Dixon was the son.

Other families that have lived in the home after the Dixon's were: J. C. Bourland, Pinky Loyd and the Gleaford Rankin family.  Most people now remember the home as the Rankin home. 

After Mr. and Mrs. Rankin died, their daughter Mary Hall Rankin lived here.  She was an only child.  When she died she left the house to Donnie Winters.  He and his family live there now.

                                                          Ancient Tree from the front yard.

This ancient tree, which had probably been around as long as Marion has, was taken down in August 2009.  The tree was on the East side of the house facing N. Walker St.

There wasn't anything noticeable wrong with the tree, but after the ice storm destaster of Jan.-Feb. of that same year, many of Marion's oldest trees were cut down, in fear of other ice storms perhaps in the future.

But one can tell by the solid trunk that it was still a healthy tree.  It may be safer with it gone, but still a loss to Marion's past history to lose one of it's earliest trees.

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