Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Cookseyville - Mexico School

Here is a little history about the Cookseyville School which later became Mexico.  It is not known for sure when the one-room log school for boys and girls in the Mexico vicinity began in the area surrounding the Cookseyville Church.

In 1879 G. W. Hill was teacher with 20 pupils.  E. H. Mott taught in 1891 and Oscar Wicker and Al Young were also teachers.

In 1915 the Cookseyville School was moved from the creek bank over the hill and across the road nearer to where the Cookseyville Church is now located.

The flourishing fluorspar industry and increase in population in the area caused a need for a larger building

and in 1921 about one-half mile nearer to the town of Mexico a two-room school building was build for grades one through six.

The history of the Mexico School ended with the school year of 1958-59.  When school started that fall in August 1959, the school board made the announcement that the school opening would make the discontinuance of the last one-room school in the county.  Enrollment had dropped to only 14 students. 

 The pupils and their teacher would be transferred to Frances.

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