Monday, November 11, 2013

Honoring Our Veterans Used to Be a big event

Thank you Veterans for your service.

This article is from an old Crittenden Press about 1957.  The Veteran's Day program was held at Fohs Hall.  It must have been a beautiful program.

Fohs Hall was the scene for a very colorful and interesting Veteran's Day assembly presented by the Marion American Legion Post.  After the student body and guests were seated, an honor guard, consisting of William Duke Taylor, J. R. Tharp, Wendell Travis and Guy Sullenger, presented the colors.

The Marion High school band played the National Anthem and Rev. Roy Ridenour gave the invocation.  The pledge to the flag was then given by all.

The guests, recogonized by Mrs. Tohmas Tucker, were Mrs. George Wynn, state Auxiliary officer.  Mrs. John Quertermous, president of the Marion Auxiliary, Howard stout, post commander and William Allen, judge advocate of the state.  Mr. Allen was guest speaker and gave a stirring talk on wars, starting with earlier ones and working up to the Korean conflict, the meaning of our flag and what Veteran's Day will mean in years to come.

An American flag was presented to Mrs. Reba Gilliland, principal of Marion Grade School by Peggy Brown.

To add to the celebration, the band marched from Fohs Hall to Main S.t, down Main to Carlisle, down Carlisle to the High School, playing the individual songs for each branch of the service.

* I don't believe these individual service songs are played much anymore.  When I was growing up we knew the verses to all the the branches, Army, Navy, Marines and Air Force and we would sing them.  They are beautiful songs with lots of energy behind them.

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