Monday, September 30, 2013

Odessa School Notes, Jan. 9, 1911

So many little one room school houses dotted the country side during the 1900's, their history almost gone now.  I wonder if there are pictures of more of these school still out there somewhere in someone attic or closet, stored away forgotten about.  

One of the little school's was Odessa in the community Blackburn, and was located on the Blackburn Church Road.  I have been fortunate and had several of this school pictures shared with me.  It was a photographer's picture, so I keep hoping different school pictures will be found and shared.  A photographer must have traveled around and made these group pictures each year.  

Here is another one of the Odessa School made about 1910-1912.  This picture was shared with me in 1999 by Dennis Clark, of Roanoke, Va.

Front row:  Ray Travis, Leslie Davis Robert Warren, Burl Elder, Roy Herron, Delmer Travis, Herbert VanHooser, Lewis Coleman, Roy Coleman

Second row:  Sarah Elder, Lera McConnell, Illa Stembridge, Cora Lee MChesney, Freddit Travis, Elsie Coleman, Jessie Travis, Nannie Travis, Dixie Travis.

Third row:  Leonard Herron, Lexie Coleman, Naomi Coleman, Lena McChesney, Alma Herron, Dixie McChesney, Cora McConnell, Richard Elder, Ray Elder

Fourth row:  Maude McConnell, Allie McChesney, Lena Coleman, Pearl Davis, Bertie Davis, James B. McNeely (teacher), Nelly Davis, Mable McConnell, Robert VanHooser, Ethel McConnell, Ila Winn

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