Thursday, May 9, 2013

Do You Have Any Information of these Fallen Heroes of Crittenden County?

Press seeking info on fallen heroes

The Crittenden Press is seeking photos of several men from Crittenden County who have paid the ultimate price in defense of the United States. We are also missing some information, such as birthdays.

Each year, The Press features our Fallen Heroes page just before Memorial Day. While families and the community have been wonderful about supplying us with photos of and information for most of the men, we still lack images of five from World War I, nine from World War II and one from the Korean War.

In an effort to humanize and call attention to the sacrifice of each of these men, we are asking the community to once again dig deep for photos and information on the following soldiers, marines, airmen and sailors:

World War I
  • Pvt. William Curry: Army, died Nov. 26, 1918.
  • Pvt. John E. Samuel: Army; died Sept. 26, 1918, of disease in France.
  • Pvt. Harry W Threlkeld: Army, Born 1893; died Dec. 12, 1918, of disease in Warwickshire, England.
  • Cpl. James C. Turner: Army; died from disease, date unknown.
  • Sgt. Maj. Freda E. Baker: Army; died from  disease, date unknown.
World War II
  • Sgt. Forrest E. Brantley: Army, born 1913, died Jan. 13, 1945, in Belgium.
  • Pfc. John W. Freeman: Born 1918, died 1943 in the United States.
  • Pfc J.D.  Hodge: Born 1915; died 1944 in Italy.
  • Sgt. Herbert A. Hoover: Born Aug. 29, 1904; died Oct. 14, 1944, Germany.
  • Staff Sgt. Denver L. Marvel: born: 1920; died 1943 in Luzon, Philippines.
  • Pfc. Carter Shewcraft: born 1925; died: 1945 in Austria.
  • Pfc. James B. Truitt: Born 1910; Died July 11, 1944, in France.
  • Sgt. Jack L.Woody: Army Air Forces, born 1910; MIA Dec. 14, 1945, in the Pacific Theatre.
  • Pfc. James C Yandell: born 1919, died 1944 in Belgium.
Korean War
  • Sgt. James R. Bissell: Army; born 1928, died: June 2, 1951, as  POW taken from Dec. 6, 1950 fighting near Hagaru, North Korea.
Information and/or photos can be e-mailed to

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