Saturday, April 27, 2013

Sisco Chapel School

The first schoolhouse was built of logs and was on a hill above Claylick Creek.

 Isaac Sisco gave the land,  the logs and also helped build the school in about 1860.

After the new frame one-room building was built beside the old log one, the old building was used for church services.

Miss Willie Adams taught in 1879 and trustees were B. A. Enoch, J. L. Riley and L. N. Sisco.  Other teachers through the years included: Bob Allen, Sally Moore, Reba Pigeon, Grady Sisco, Owen Davenport, Dennis Farmer, Glenna Sisco, Randall and Paul Woodall, Mabel Wheeler, Ewell Hardin, Regenia Postlethweight, Katherine Swansey, Helen Moore and Homer Davidson.

Surnames of some of the families who attended the school was Belt, Branham, Butler, Canada, Cardin, Davenport, Floyd, Howard, Riley, Sisco, Walker, Watson and Yandell.

The school closed in the school year 1950 and students were sent to Tolu School.   There is no sign of these buildings now, but a few large foundation stones are there.  The Sisco Chapel cemetery is located on the lot next to where the school and church buildings sat.

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