Thursday, January 31, 2013

Cotton Patch Hill and Crooked Creek

Crittenden County is full of beautiful county scenery.  There are hills, and streams, valleys and knobs.  Many have unusual and mysterious names.  As I looked at the old maps, I can't help but wonder where the names originated from.  There must have been a reason behind the names.  Some I have found the answer, some I have clues on and some I will never know.

One such of these with an odd name, and one can't help but wonder where the name came from, is Cotton Patch Hill.

 Cotton Patch Rd. runs off of S. R. 654 N not too far from Mattoon, to S.R. 387, what we always called the Dam 50 Road.   It runs all along the top of the hill.  A beautiful drive any time of year. 

The story written many years ago in 1908, by an old gentleman that was having his 93 birthday, is that in the early 1800's a wild fierce woman, named Mrs. Clayton settled on this hill.  She built a cabin, hunted wild animals, and cleared and fenced about an acre of ground which she planted cotton.  Mrs. Clatyon was always armed to the teeth with bowie knives and guns.  After living on the hill a few years she went away as suddenly as she came.  But she left behind her legacy as the hill was named "Cotton Patch Hill" for the little patch of cotton that she left behind.  

This picture of Cotton Patch Hill was made Jan. 31, 2013 from a high spot on the Fords Ferry Road.

The history runs deep in the old Crooked Creek on Fords Ferry Road.  Once the location of a covered bridge, today it is spanned by a modern concrete bridge.  In years past it was a favorite place for picnics and family gatherings as the large rocks were an inviting spot to have a seat and eat a picnic lunch.

Just from common thinking I would think it was named for it's crooked path through this part of the county.

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