Monday, October 8, 2012

Goodbye to the old Dunn Springs Church

The small one-room white frame church buildings that once were a familiar sight scattered about our county have all but disappeared.  Gone are the days of these small communities houses of worship that served so many our farm families of years ago.  Either they have closed completely, or they are struggling to keep going by the few members that attend regularly.  Such is the case of the Dunn Springs Baptist Church. 

The old one-room church had stood on it's holy ground by the side of the Dam 50 (Ky. 387), since 1881.  

The first church was made of logs in 1844, near the spring for which the church was named.  During one of the Ohio River floods the river back up in Crooked Creek and washed this building away.  The second church built in 1881 was built farther up on the hill from the creek.

The church building went through some renovations during it's life and the picture above was made in May 1956 after the new entrance and concrete steps were added.

During the last several years, the old building was beginning to get in bad condition as the church foundation, which was build on a pier foundation, which meant that it was raised off the ground and sat on a foundation of large flat stones, had become unsafe.  

The picture above was made in June 2012 as they were getting ready to tear the old church down.  It was buried at the very location on which it sat.

The present day members, which only average around 12-14 people, could not afford to have the church restored.  They have a small metal building just to the right of the old location that they hold  Sunday services in.

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