Saturday, May 5, 2012

Preserving Some Of Marion's Past History Through Murals

A new history attraction to Marion East Bellville Street are nine (9) new beautifully painted murals that depict a scene from Marion's past.  Buildings in the paintings no longer exist.  They truly tell of a different time period in Marion's history.
 Building's in these panels left to right:  The old Marion Depot, (was located by the railroad track on East Depot St.) The Marion Hotel (used to be located on Main Street close to the Farmers Bank builidng), Marion's Tobacco Factory  (was located at the end of East Elm Street near the rail road tracks), The Marion Bank, ( Marion's first bank and was located where the People's Bank is today, and Wallingfords Livery Stable, (located on the parking lot where the murals are located.)

Left to Right:  Marion's Whiskey Distrillery, (located at the parking lot of Conrad's Grocery Store), The Opry House / Town Hall, (was located on West Bellville Street, next to the new fire station), Marion's 1st Graded School (located where the Marion Jr. High School building is) and the Fluorspar loading station (was located by the railroad track, also near the end of East Gum St.

The Murals were created and painted by Sherri Mayo, a former Marion resident.  A formal dedication will be held soon.   Funding for the murals were provided by Marion Main Street and Marion Tourism Department.

If your in the area be sure and stop and see them, they are really beautifully done, and tell the story of days gone by, and a prosperous time in Marion's past history.

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