Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Weston Cemetery Cleanup

The old historic Weston cemetery located on the bluff above the tiny town of Weston was the site of another clean up day this past Saturday Jan. 7th, 2012.  Over the past several years it had once again gotten overgrown with weeds and broken tree limbs from the 2009 ice storm.

Boy Scout Group #30 from Marion, for some of their community service hours worked hard for about 4-5 hours to get the cemetery once again in a very respectable condition.  The picture at the right is the group of boys that worked so hard.

As the work first began.  The whole area was covered in these grass like weeds.

Near the end of the work day - What a difference.  Fires were built to help get rid of the leaves, weeds and tree limbs.

Some interesting facts about the old cemetery.  The stone in the picture at the left is for Sylvester Sturgeon.  He was a river boat captain that plied the old boats and barges up and down the river.  He requested to be buried on the edge of the bluff so he would be near the river he loved.  What a view he has.

The earliest burial there is for J. Finch, a small child.  Born Oct. 7, 1832.  Died Aug 1834, 8 years before Crittenden County was formed.

There is a Civil War Marker for Jas. M. Lamb, he fought in Co. B. Ist Ill. Cav.

A small stone near the point of the bluff is for J. C. Crowell.  Josiah C. Crowell, although he had a family stone, he was a Civil War Veteran serving for the Union Army, Co. C. 1st Regiment, Capital Guard, Frankfort Battalion.

There are many more unknown and unmarked burials here that lie beneath the sod of a freshly cleaned cemetery. Many it stay clean for many more years.


  1. It's always good to see the Boy Scouts involved in such worthy projects.

  2. I totally agree. I think they all enjoyed the day and while cleaning around the old stones, they even got interested in the history of the people that were buried there.
