Saturday, July 23, 2011

Old Post Marks

We lovers of old history like anything that has to do with the past.  Even though most of our once busy communities are now only a name with memories of how it used to be, it is fun to see reminders from those by-gone days.  Here are some of those past reminders from the old post-offices that were scattered around the county.

  Hardesty, Ky.  Once just a small little community not too far from Tolu.  But for a while it had it's own Post Office, which was located on one side of a general store, owned and ran by Dick and brother, Frank, Hardesty.  The post office was closed Jan. 31, 1913 and the mail was sent to Tolu.

Here's an interesting one post marked at Weston, Ky. Jan 9, 1899, a hundred and 12 years ago, and still in good condition.  Post Office was first established in 1859 as Westonburg with Richard Ford as postmaster.
It was discontinued in 1916, Rose Sturgeon was Postmistress, and the mail was then sent to Repton.

Repton Post Office was also located in the local community store.  It was established in 1887 with Joel D. Sullivan as Postmaster.

I don't have the date on when this post office was closed.  But think it was in later years.

This one was post marked at the Post Office at Tribune.  It was first established in 1895 and James E. Travis was postmaster.  Also do not have it's discontinued date.

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