Friday, May 13, 2011

Marion Band

During Marion's past history, there have been many community bands.  They were a popular group all through the ages.  Everyone loves a good band concert.  In May 1932 this article was written about the start of a new community band.

People make the business and business makes the town.  Right now, what everyone is crying the blues, Marion has an opportunity to take a step forward to bring people to town and at the same time help a good cause.

The Ellis B. Ordway Post of the American Legion is sponsoring a Community Band.  Twice a week for more than a month some of Marion's most select musicians have been holding rehearsals, under the direction of Ben H. Price.  Attendance at these rehearsals have been splendid, everyone is keenly interested in making this the best band Marion ever had.

A popular place for these community bands to gather and make their music and share it with the community would be the old gazebo that used to be on the Court House Square next to the old Court House. 

The great old picture above is wonderful to have, but none of the people in the photo are named.  But it shows us one of the old bands of yesteryear.

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