Saturday, April 23, 2011

Bell's Mines Travis Family

I can never write anything about Bell's Mines unless it reminds me of my Travis family that lived in this old community.  A very handsome family of five brothers and 3 sisters.  Actually there were 4 sisters, but little Sarah Julia died at only 5 years old, lacking only three days of dying on her birthday, Dec. 6th. 

The sons were: front sitting down, L. to R.
Ewell Jeffrey (my grandfather), Gutherie Wynn,
Back: William Charles Harvey, Sumner, and John  Monroe.

William Charles "Charlie" was killed in a boiler explosion at the Bell Coke & Coke Mining Company Nov. 13, 1910. He was 43 years old. It was a horrible accident.  Charlie is buried in the Bells Mines Cemetery.  But he or his wife, Nannie Sarrls Travis, have a stone to mark their graves.

These Travis brothers were blessed with numerous musicals talents, a great singing voice plus were able to play different musical instruments without any professional training.

The Travis sisters were: L to R.
Verna Travis, she married Charlie Yates and lived in the Bowling Green, Ky area.
Cora Travis, married Richard Sarlls and they lived at Louisville, Ky in their later years.  Cora had beautiful auburn hair when she was young.
Alvatine Travis, married Cam "Doc" Truitt of the Bells Mines community.  They are buried in the Bells Mines Cemetery.

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