Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Crittenden Springs Hotel

During these cold wintery days, it is pleasant to think of the warm summertime days.  Back in the spring of 1902, the grand Crittenden Springs Hotel was getting prepared for one of it's memorable meals.  The Crittenden Springs Hotel is differently one, if not the most, lost treasurers of Crittenden County's

I can imagine the great ball room being decorated for Christmas in these early days when many decorations would come from the beauty around us, such as Cedar and Pine tree boughs and holly and wild berries that grew in the area.  I'm sure the smell of these freshly cut trees was wonderful.

But back to the summertime.  This article was found in the May 30, 1902 Crittenden Press and it was titled "A Toothsome Menu"

The folowing menu of the dinner given by Mr. John Wilson at Crittenden Springs Hotel is somewaht remarkable on account of every article served being produced on the hotel estate with the exception of the tea, coffee and sugar.

  • Puree of Green Peas, Radishes, Lettuce.
  • Ohio River Bass, Tartare Sauce
  • Water Cress, Duchess Potatoes
  • Roasted Sirloin of Beef au naturel, Barbarcued Lamb with Mint Sauce, Broiled Spring Checkens with Giblet Gravy, Youong Squirrels on toast, Frogs Legs Breaded
  • Green Peas, Butter Beans, Irish Potatoes, Green Onions Sweet Potatoes, Lettuce Salad
  • Strawberry Ice, Cabinet Pudding, washington Pie, Sweet sauce, Blackberry Tarts, Strawberries
  • American Cheese
  • Tea, Coffee, Milk, Waters
Mr. Wilson's extensive gardens produce all the vegetables desired, the stream that meanders through the hotel grounds supplies the fish, while the pools adjacent furnish the frogs.  The beeves and muttons are fattened on the rich grasses of the bottom lands, while the chickens, ducks and turkeys are brought to a high degree of perfection in their separate houses.

Milk and cream, not the milkman's product, but the old fashioned, golden tinged article is served.  The hotel woods are full of squirrels, quail and pigeons.

Two hundred guests can be very comfortably accommodated in the spacious hotel.

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