Here are some more old unidentified photos. Thought to have been taken in the Piney Fork area, since the pictures at one time belong to an Alexander family that lived in the area and the family attended Piney Fork Church.
The old mule drawn wagon is loaded down with a group of people, I think, that may be going on a church picnic.
What an fun time the jolly group must have had. I would guess the picture were made in the early 1900's by the ladies long dresses.
Here the group with their picnic all spread upon the ground. Notice the ladies hats with the cone shaped top. These hats were visible from inside the wagon in the picture above.
I wonder if the ants enjoyed the picnic with them. I don't believe that the little deer ticks, that we have now, were as much a nuisance then.
Love the photos, Brenda!