Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Post Oak School

Crittenden County at one time had over 80 one-room schools scattered about the county.  Where ever there were enough students to attend, the families tried to provide some kind of education for them.
One of these early schools was Post Oak.

 The school was located about five miles from Marion on the old Marion-Morganfield Road.  It was built in the late 1880's.  The first building was of logs.  The picture at the right is the second building, which was constructed with a wooden frame and it had two front doors, and several windows. 

Sometime during the 1920's the school bell that was in the cupola on top of the building was stolen and not returned.

Church and Sunday School were also held in the building before a church was built nearby at Repton.

Some families that attended Post Oak School were: Truitt, Rankin, Manley,  Smith, Thurman, Wilcox, Conger Nations, James, Fritts, Gass, Gilberts, Walkers, Brantley and Wilborns.

In 1929 the school was closed and students were sent to the new consolidated Mattoon School with the students of Oakland, Seminary  and Applegate school districts.

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