Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Old National Guard Building Torn Down

Marion lost some more of it's past history this week, as the old National Guard Building was torn down to make room for a new Fire Station for the City.  Most people did not see it as historic, just another old empty building that was deteriorating each day.   The picture above is the way the building looked just last week.

It was build in the fall of 1925.  It was to be the new home of C Company 149 Infantry of the National Guard's.  Mr. A. M. Shelby was responsibly for having the building built for the National Guard.

The new building was of cream faced brick, beautiful large plate glass windows, of ample size for the requirements of the company in drilling and for indoor games as well.  The building was very modern throughout, with hot and cold running water, and all the modern conveniences.  

The officers as this time were: Clifford M. Braswell, Captain; J. Roy Johnson, First Lieutenant; Ben H. Price, Second Lieutenant; Otha A. Allen, First Sergeant.  Thy had sixty-five members, the full quota.

Over the years the building had been used for by many different businesses but has sit empty now for the past several years.  It was said that it was just beyond saving.  But it had been a part of the West Bellville business section all the many years, and was sad to see it go.

So yesterday, July 5th, 2010 the demolition was started and it will soon just be a thing of the past and a new expensive Fire Station will be taking it's place.

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