Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Weston in 1913 Flood

Weston, a once thriving river-port town, is now just a small community with several families living in the area.  Once it was a docking port for the river traffic and was the unloading site for much of items needed at Marion.  Many items would be shipped from Evansville, Ind.  They would be unloaded at Weston and transported to Marion with horse and wagons.

All the river towns were always in danger of flooding, for when the mighty Ohio would overflow it spread it's waters into the town and fields along its way.

The picture at the right shows Weston in the 1913 flood.  The large building on the left next to the water is the tobacco factory, next was the lodge hall and to the right was the church.

The Crittenden Press Weston Community items for April of 1913 tells the history of the flood.

We have having more rain in this section.  It is the belief of everybody that the water will be higher than it has been for years.  The river is rising fast.  

There was a large crowd gathered on the bank of the river at Weston, looking at the great body of water, something that none of us have even seen in Weston before.  On Sunday about 500 people from different places were here viewing the water that has covered our little town.  Business in this place is closed down.

Weston is a beautiful little area, with a very scenic view of the river.

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