Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Kevil Family

Many of the prominent family names in the early history of Crittenden County are here no more.  Perhaps a descendant that married into another family may still live here, but in many cases, the name is remembered by their tombstones in the Mapleview Cemetery.  Such is the case the the Kevil family name.  

In the late 1880's the family name of Kevil was very familiar to the local citizens.  Joseph Bell Kevil was honored in many ways by the people of Marion and Crittenden County.  

Some of the offices he held included County Attorney of  Crittenden County, Mayor of Marion, Police Judge and he also held offices of trust in lodge, church and other important bodies.  Mr. Kevil was married to  Sarah Frances Montgomery, of Providence, Ky, who died in July 1911.   Mr. Kevil died March 10th, 1917 at Sikeston, Mo, where he was staying with his son, David B. Kevil.

In the June 13, 1918 edition of The Crittenden Press, there is an article that tells about the new Kevil monument being erected.  Judge Kevil's monument has been erected in the Mapleview Cemetery.  On the lot where the late Judge J. Bell Kevil is buried, a large granite monument has been erected which stands nine feet high and weighs 15,000 lbs.  (The picture at the top right).

All lovers of art will find in this memorial that the utmost skill in monument making was put forth.  This work was erected by Henry & Henry Monuments, having been purchased by the Kevil heirs of this city.

There are three graves there now.  Judge Kevils, his wife's, and his daughter Miss Mable's and each has a large full size slab over the graves.

(Pictures made in Nov. 2009)

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