Friday, March 5, 2010

Resolutions of Respect

William H. Asher died April 5, 1910.  His Masonic Lodge paid their respects with the following article published in The Crittenden Press on April 21, 1910.

Resolutions of Respect, Bigham Lodge No. 256. F. & A. M.

The all devouring scythe of time has again invaded our lodge - Chapter and Council, at this place, and severed the thread of Mortal life of our brother and companion, William H. Asher.

On the evening of April 5, the Supreme Architect of the Universe, called from labor to eternal rest, our brother to enjoy the Sabbath of eternity where the adoration of the twelfth hour will be everlasting joy, and the noon-tide of bliss shall eternally shine.

His mortal remains were laid to rest in the Repton Cemetery, April the 6th, "to await that Great Day."

Bro. Asher was one of the oldest members of our lodge, and one who had been faithful and jealous in work and attendance until the last few years when from old age he could not attend regular

W. D. Cannon, F. W. Heath J. B. Kevil, Committee.

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